Handmade Barrel Tile Roof
A handmade barrel tile roof can give a house a wonderful historic and affluent look. Colors vary on handmade barrel tile from plain to brilliant. The tiles develop their colors depending on where the tile sits in the kiln and by how close the fire gets to them. To further enhance the colors of the tiles, various minerals can be added during the firing process. Many people love the unique and varied tile pieces that give a handmade barrel tile roof it’s uneven, handmade look.
Handmade barrel tile is common in the historic areas along the beach. Just a select few roofing companies are skilled enough to install handmade barrel tile the traditional way. If you need a great Miami Beach Roofer, choose JW Roofing!
Many in South Florida refer to handmade barrel tile as Historic Cuban Tile. The tile was originally brought from Spain to Cuba and then to the Miami area. This beautiful historic handmade tile can be reproduced successfully to maintain the integrity of historic buildings.
If you are restoring a historic home or building and want the very best roofing contractor to make sure your project is a success, then choose JW Roofing at: (305) 825-4207
Our contractors will travel throughout Florida to consult or to traditionally install handmade barrel tile.