The Nicest Roofs You Can't See
A rainy day a few months ago, we decided to update our web page. So, over the next few weeks we started taking pictures of some of our projects. We quickly realized it was not going to be so easy showing off the beautiful Miami roofs that we have installed. Many of our clients want the best and have multi-million dollar homes, but instead of showing off their stunning homes, they hide them away, like a Rolex pocket watch. They know they have the best, but don't need to show it off. So, on our journey to update our web page, we found that many of our roofs were unable to be seen from the road. So above are pictures of some of JW Roofing's work, but you can't see the roofs for all the beautiful plants.
We are the Miami Roofing company of choice for the most exclusive areas in South Florida. Our customers expect great service and we provide it. JW Roofing is ready to provide exceptional roof repair and re-roof services for your estate, large or small.
If you have a home that is hidden away with amazing foliage and want a contractor who cares enough to protect your landscaping while installing a great roof, then please call JW Roofing at: (305) 825-4207
Here is another one. This hedge is at least 12 feet above a 5 foot wall!